Thursday, October 1, 2015

install catalyst driver on ubuntu 14.04

Download the driver from here.
I am using HD 7970M. You can select your device driver from

If you choose the ubuntu version, there will be three deb packages to download.

Here are the names of my downloaded files.

Before installing the debian packages, run the following command to solve the dependency requirement.
$sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
$sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1 libc6-i386 dkms
( option packages $sudo apt-get install debhelper dh-modaliases execstack dpkg-dev )

When you run into any depedency issues, try to run $sudo apt-get install -f
You may need to $sudo apt-get update at some point.

Then $sudo dpkg -i *.deb

I am using a laptop with hybrid graphics cards.
$sudo amdconfig –initial –adapter=all

Then reboot, login, $clinfo or $glrxinfo, to see the driver is installed or not.

If the program hangs or not correct drivers are found, don't panic, try the following steps.

sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.BAK
sudo apt-get purge fglrx*
sudo apt-get install fglrx
sudo apt-get install fglrx xvba-va-driver libva-glx1 libva-egl1 vainfo
sudo amdconfig --adapter=all --initial
if you are introduced with a black screen, don't panic.
ctrl + alt + f1
sudo amdconfig –initial –adapter=all
check $fglrxinfo
sudo apt-get install mesa-utils

Sunday, March 29, 2015

about open 2.1

[1] c++ 11 vs. c++ 14
C++14 is intended to be a small extension over C++11, featuring mainly bug fixes and small improvements.

* Function return type deduction

* Alternate type deduction on declaration
decltype for reference or non-reference type

* Relaxed constexpr restrictions
C++11 constexpr functions could only contain a single expression that is returned (as well as static_asserts and a small number of other declarations)
C++14 will relax these restrictions.

* Variable templates
In prior versions of C++, only functions, classes or type aliases could be templated. C++14 now allows the creation of variables that are templated.

* Aggregate member initialization

* Binary literals
Numeric literals in C++14 can be specified in binary form.

* Digit separators

* Generic lambdas
In C++11, lambda function parameters need to be declared with concrete types. C++14 relaxes this requirement, allowing lambda function parameters to be declared with the auto type specifier.

* Lambda capture expressions

* The attribute [[deprecated]]

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

memory buffers

clCreateBuffer(): visible to gpu only

clCreateBuffer() with CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, visible to gpu and cpu, but implicitly copying data from host to device, reducing performance.

clCreateBuffer()  + CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR. This allocates memory that both CPU and GPU can use without a copy. visible to both cpu and gpu

For more info, check this thread,

About zero-copy examples, check this.

Address Space Qualifier

OpenCL implements the following disjoint address spaces:
 __global, __local, __constant and __private.

__global uses the global memory

__local uses local memory

__constant uses constant memory, read-only

__private: it signals that the variable belongs to only the thread

The generic address space name for arguments to a function in a program, or local variables of a function is __private. All function arguments shall be in the __private address space.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Typo on AMD OpenCL 20 Blog

I noticed there are some typos on amd blog related to opencl 2.0,

"clSVMEnqueueMap and clSVMEnqueueUnmap" should be "clEnqueueSVMMap and clEnqueueSVMUnmap".